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The Coaching Process

1. Establishing the coaching agreement

This goes for the entire coaching process as well as a singular session. The job of the coach is to check in and make sure that the two are aligned with what the final objective of the session is. The coach remains at the service of the client. At the same time, the coach is open to changing direction during the session based on what the client wants.

2. Co-creating the coaching relationship

Establishing trust with the client as well as respecting the perception of the client is a must. A coach asks for permission to go into, and explore sensitive and delicate areas. All conversations between the coach and client are strictly confidential.

3. Trust

During the coaching relationship, creating trust allows for spontaneous, open, and creative conversations. It’s through these conversations that commitments are made, action plans are designed and visions are set forth upon.

4. Effective Communicating

During the conversation the coach concentrates on what the client is saying. The coach dedicates himself to the client’s objective. A coach reformulates to be in sync with the client. The coach encourages, accepts, explores a sustains the client’s expression of emotions and perceptions while never setting boundaries. During this process, the coach asks questions which stimulate discovery, introspection, and a commitment to action.

5. Feedback

The coach offers and shares feedback. Expressing clearly to help the client understand another point of view. Always keeping in mind and stating that this feedback is an opinion and based on the coach’s interpretation of what the client brings to the session.

6. Facilitating learning and results

The coach helps create awareness by assisting the client to differentiate between facts from interpretation and emotions and feelings. A coach helps a client explore ideas, solutions and alternatives while promoting active experimentation. He helps identify an action plan with measurable results which have precise deadlines. He follows the client asking him the state of the commitments undertaken and the same time, the coach is open to changes in direction during the sessions. And then finally, celebrating the successes of the client.

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